Latin gay bars san francisco

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The Castro is probably best-recognized for LGBTQ activism that occurred following the assassination of openly gay San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk in 1978. Historically, it was ground zero for a lot of a highly charged political turmoil in the 1960s and 1970s. Nestled at the end of San Francisco's famous Market Street and below Sutro Tower, The Castro is considered a hub of the LGBTQ community. The Castro is probably the most well-known gay neighborhood in San Francisco. If you plan on renting an apartment in a gay neighborhood in San Francisco, we're here to help give you details that would help you make your decision.

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There are some gay neighborhoods in San Francisco where you'll notice the celebration of these differences more than others. The City by the Bay embraces diversity, which is one reason why it's become the mecca for LGBTQ people. There are many gay neighborhoods in San Francisco.

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The best gay areas in San Francisco are, well, all of them.

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